Prayer is the foundation of all that we do as believers.  Prayer and Praise is an invitation first for the Holy Spirit to come as we make space for Him. It is an invitation to the hungry who want to seek the presence of Jesus and go deeper.

It is a space where we can proclaim his goodness, praise His Holy name, worship in adoration and intercede for our families, marriages, children, the lost, our community, church and nation.

Join us for 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting starting January 13th to 19th.

The early Church discerned its next steps when it sought God’s will through prayer and fasting. In Church history, spiritual awakenings and Christ-centered revivals have come to regions where God’s people have gathered together for prayer and fasting.

It is our desire that this would be true of the Assiniboia Apostolic Church in this season in its story. We long to see the expansion of God’s kingdom through the unique vision He has entrusted to us as a Church. This 7-day prayer and fasting guide is designed to help us pursue that goal.